The Ham, Egg and Chips Project


"In 2014, armed with some Gloucestershire Old Spot pigs and a nineteenth century walled garden, we launched the ‘Ham from Ham Project’. The aim – to make the finest ham for our “Ham, Egg and Chips”. We had a lot of fun and the ham and pork was amazing. Being involved at every stage was so important to us. Knowing that our pigs were happy with room to exercise and root around. Knowing they were fed on a traditional diet of apples and whey. Knowing they were killed humanely without stress. Knowing the meat was butchered ourselves and the ham was properly cured. Carrying out all aspects ourselves gave us unrivaled confidence in the quality of the meat we were producing."


What's not to like about that!


 Planned Route


The Inn



This is highly recommended for it's ham, egg and chips. The ham was superb ( a very nice bit of pig someone espoused); the egs were most definitely fresh (good yellow yolks) and the chips golden brown (clearly double or even triple cooked).  As a pub it is also brewing and serving it's own beers as well as carrying a stock of local ales and ciders. All that would make it complete is a local hotel or rooms so that the full experience can be had!